Please see this link for further information on Ironside State School's catchtment area.
Any changes to the catchment area will be formally notified through the registration and gazettal of an amended plan including the operative date for the new catchment area.
The map shows Ironside State School as well as nearby State Schools. Ironside State School's catchment area encompasses St Lucia and some parts of Taringa and Indooroopilly.
Enrolment policy
All students who reside within the local catchment area and are eligible for enrolment in the educational program offered by the school have a right to enrolment at the school. The Principal will hold places for students who relocate to within the catchment boundary throughout the school year.
The school's enrolment management plan does not replace other departmental policy; for example Safe, Supportive and Disciplined School Environment, nor does it override subsequent determinations regarding built school capacity.
Enrolment criteria
Ironside recognises as its prime obligation, the provision of access to an appropriate educational service for students whose principal place of residence is within the school's catchment area External link.
Applications from any other person, not meeting the criteria outlined above, is an out-of-catchment application. Enrolment of students from outside the local catchment area is restricted to ensure that enrolments do not exceed the student enrolment capacity. This school can only enrol out-of-catchment students:
- if there is sufficient spare capacity after reserving places for students who move into the catchment during the year
- after taking into account the school’s projected future enrolment growth.
Out-of-catchment students applying for enrolment at the school are placed on a waiting list, assessed in order of receipt.
Proof of residency
Parents who wish to enrol their child/ren at Ironside State School under the Enrolment Management Plan will need to demonstrate that the children to be enrolled, reside within the catchment area. Two or more of the following documentation may be required if requested by the principal:
One primary source - a current lease agreement, rates notice or driver's license, or unconditional sale agreement and
One secondary source - a utlity bill (e.g. electricity or gas) showing the same address.